zondag 8 december 2013

What is art?

Hey there Happy People!

I think most of you know this drawing. Some of you might have found my blog because of it. And I wanted to talk about it a little more because it brought up some thoughts by me.

The thing is that on tumblr you can reblog stuff, you place it on your own tumblr page. And when you do that you can at a reaction or a picture, what ever you feel like. And when I get a notation that someone rebloged, I check if they reacted in some way and I have seen a lot of comments saying something like: "OMG this is art." First of all: thank you, it genually means a lot to me. Second: this is not art. It is reproduction.

Let me explain; what I did was nothing more than recreate that picture of Troye as good as I possibly could. That is not art, it doesn't have any meaning further than: hey, I like your face so I drew it. 
Real art, to me, is not always as realisticly drawn as this drawing, but it is a original. It is something the creator made up by himself and may or may not have a meaning, but I was not copied from anything. 
Because this image is in no way a creation of myself, I can't take credit for that. To my opinion, it only shows I have the skills to make a drawing look realistic to this point and it makes me feel bad fot real artists when their work is less preased than this drawing, while their meaning is way more interesting.

The there also was this post on tumblr (I know, I spend way to much time on tumblr these days...)

I agree that fanart can be real art, no art was ever created without inspiration. But in my opinion, real art is not just a recreated character or setting. There has to be something you made up yourself, something original. Just drawing from a picture, like I did, is fanart, but it's not art, because I didn't add something to it.

Of course there's nothing wrong with drawing based on pictures or real life. I look up pictures for almost everything I make, but I also combine multiple pictures and make them tell my own story. 

I don't think I'll call myself an artist, not now or in the near future. Maybe after I finish art school, if I go there. I also make stuff that does have a meaning or might be artistic in some way, but I still won't call it art, because it feels wrong to me. 
I feel like 'art' should be special, it is a therm that should be used when something is so creative and well thought through, that it deserves the tittle 'art'. It can really annoy me when people who, in my opinion, recreate a picture which is not made by themself and don't even do it that well, use the 'art' or 'artist on tumblr' tags. You are not an artist and neither an I! 

And here comes the discussion: When is stuff art? There are not straight lines on this topic. I think that we as a society discide what art means, but also as individuals. As I already said: I don't think I'm an artist. I'm just 16, I've got must to learn before I even dare to consider myself an artist.

So now It's your turn! Start the discusion in the comments, on facebook, tumblr, what ever you fancy. Do you consider yourself a artist? Why or why not? What is art? Is fanart art? Do you agree with me or do you think I'm talking poop?

I'm looking forward to your comments and reactions.
Keep creating!


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