dinsdag 26 november 2013

HKU week 9

 Helleuw Happy People of the World!

I am quickly typing this this blogthingy, because there's some other stuff that needs to be done for tonight so yeah, have fun reading and watching! 

I missed the lesson of week 8 because I had some important stuff to do that day. Okay, maybe I went to the Efteling (note: it's a Dutch amusement park. it has fairies and stuff. It's pretty cool.) but it was worth it.

Any way, this week we worked with a technique which is, litterally translated, called washed ink. It is just ink but mixed with water so you get different tones and it's pretty cool so here's what I made.

First of all I made this bird. It's just a bird really, kind of a phoenix. It has really nice wavy headfeather and stuff. Jup. Usefull commentary all the way. Let's carry on to the next painting.

The next thing I made was a bit bigger. It is actually some kind of fanart of Lindsey Stirling's Shadows. I really like the video and just her music in general. If you like a violin with a cool beat that makes you feel like dancing you should check herbout, I think she's awesome. 

So what happends in the music video spoiler is that at some piont her shadow doesn't move in sync any more and starts dancing by itself. I really liked this idea and tried to make the painting look like there is some kind of movement going on there. I'm not completely happy with how it turned out on that aspect, but I like the overal result. 

Here are some close-up's:

And here comes my third and last painting of that day: 

I was just looking through the pictures on my phone and found this one:

It is taken at some sort of park/lake that lays on my way to school. One day, in the early hours of the morning there was a beautiful low sun and it looked so wonderful. Almost magical really, I wish I wasn't in a hurry to be on time, because otherwise I would have standed there just a little longer to admire the beauty of the daylight. 
But any way, I took some pictures (another one is at the top of this blogpost) and then I painted this:

I think it turned out pretty good, even though it will never capture the original beauty of that moment. I think no picture can. 

That was it for this week, I hope you enjoyed it and that I will have time to update soon!

Don't forget to make today count!


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