zaterdag 9 november 2013

HKU week 6 & 7: spaceing charcoal

Hello Happy People of the World!

I wanted to do my artschool assingments in order, but I just don't have enough time to catch everything up. So this is what I did yesterday. The pictures are taken with my phone, so they may not be the best quality.

Last week we basicly spend the whole day drawing paterns that we would use the next week. It was actually pretty boring, because we just copied the paterns from the paper that we got. That's why I don't have any pictures of my drawings, but here are a few examples of those paterns: 

This week we had to make a "instalation"  of our drawing. This basicly mend that we had to build something with the paterns we made. We were putted in group of three and started of. I didn't take any pictures in the process, but this is our final result:

So that turned out to become one trippy charcoal creation. I had a lot of fun making it with my awesome fellow students, I hope you had fun while scrolling down these pictures :)


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