dinsdag 24 december 2013

Cupcakes. And some Dean.

Hey Happy People!

Today I made things and that's why you are reading this so let's go and look at the stuff I made, shall we? We shall.

In the morning I felt like doing something on that drawing from yesterday and so I did, here's a picture:

I know, he looks a bit sad, but I'm working on it and may be it was about time that I show you how much I fail at drawing sometimes. So this is the state now, let's carry on.

Next are cupcakes with stuff on them! They are for christmas tomorrow, so that's why they look christmassy. Christmassy is now a adverb. I'm sure if I'm spelling it right though.

Do you notice how home made they look on that wooden cutboard? I also took a photo where they stand on the plastic cover of my baking... tub. That's what we're going to call it.

That does look less home made then on that wooden thing, right?

The recipe is from SORTED, here's the website link!
(I took a sneaky bite and they taste awesome.)

I'm so ambitious today. I'm not even trying to be polite and interesting. I'm just typing the first thing that comes to my mind. Sorry for that. Unless it made you smile. In that case, I'm not sorry at all. You're welcome.
Have a nice night before christmas (see what I did there :D)


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