maandag 7 april 2014

Opperation SPWTIM! (Spamming People With Things I Made)

Hello happy people!

So last week I made a small drawing of this person, Dean Dobbs, I've drawn him before, but here it is:

 'But Chrizzl that's someone's twitter, you didn't draw that.' Yes I did, you see the icon? Yes I made that. You see those followers? They see my drawing every time he tweet. It only gets awesomer.

You see this? Yes, Oliver Age 24, an amazing youtube person drew my drawing and it's just freaking amazing. BUT WAIT. It gets amazinger.

 This? This is just my favorite person in the universe telling me my doodle is his FAVORITE FANART EVER. Not to brag, but yeah. That's cool right. 

And then Dean tweeted this picture:

And I was like: oooww. I see opportunities. And so I made a few things. Bare with me, it gets a bit weird at some point. 

Here my brother walked in and gave me the :| face for a while and then he said: "You should make him puke rainbows." And that seemed like a very good idea to me.

Now I am going to tweet him these creations and hope he wants to be my friend. Probably not because... This is kind of weird. But hey, why not give it a try! I'll report you on this later :3


Note from the future: He didn't reply. He probably just things I'm weird. I don't think he wants to be my friend

dinsdag 11 maart 2014


This is an assignment for my English class. We had to write a short story, staring with: '"Who are you?" She said."
The critics were that had to make up a background story and the girl and the teller had to get into a fight. Here's a slightly more elaborated version of what I came up with.

"Who are you?" She said, as the rain streamed down her face. She was younger than I expected, probably not older than ten. She looked like a drowned kitten, standing there in the rain. Her clotches were drenched and her fringe had grown into the fresh crust that went diagnaly across her forehead. The bags under her pale blue eyes were as dark as the sky above us. I was almost completely sure that this was the girl.
"I can't tell you.", I said, "If I do, you won't come with me." Her eyes grew big and hopeful. 
"Are you here to pick me up?" 
"I belief so.", I anwsered calmly, "But I can only be sure if you give me your name." Her hopeful expression dropped and she looked down at her bare feet as the rain washed of the scratches. 
"I cannot remember it." She said, just above whisper.
I sighed and looked at the poor thing in front of me. 
"I guess in that case, you'll have to tellme your story."

We sat down at the the porch she had been sleeping in. Its roof was old and molded. Every now and then you felt a droplet on your shoulder, seeping through one of the various leaks. She was drenched the bones, shivering, with her soft blond hair stuck to her purple lips. I took of my coat and lay it around her shoulders. Her eyes widened at the sight of my bony arms, but she didn't say a word. I could tell that she was raised with manners. 
"So tell me: what brought you here?" She thought for a moment, staring back into the pitch black darkness of her memories. 
"One day mommy didn't wake up." She said.
"Steven said she was like Sleeping Beauty. That she would wake up in a hunderd year, so I shouldn't be sad. But that wasn't true. 
He used to tell me fairytales, but now he was telling lies." She paused. 
"Lying is bad. That's what mommy told me." I gave her a sad smile.
"That's why I don't get why she was in love with Steven. Because he lied a lot."
"Maybe she liked fairytales." I segusted. She looked down and nodded. We both went silent for some time, looking at the pointy roofs of the city.
"He hit her." Her voice suddenly spoke.
"He had hit us too, me and my brother. Every time I was scared he wouldn't wake up and that he would leave me alone with Steven. 

Then one day there was a man at the door. I was woken up by the yelling. Me and my brother were in the basement. He was still asleep. Then there was a bright light and Steven came down the stairs. Then he picked me up and handed me to the man. I screamed and kicked, but he hit me on the head with something hard and I fell asleep again.
I thought I wouldn't wake up, but I did and when I did I was here and you were there." She fell silent. The pale blue colour of her eyes kept repeating the words she never said. 
I wish I hadn't woken up.

"You're the girl they've send me for." I said.
She looked at me, her empty eyes filled with hope. I got out my notebook and skimmed through the names. 
"Sophie Bennet" Those eyes started glimmering when she heared her name.
"He never called me that." She said, just above whisper.
I reached for her hand, which was just as chilled as mine.
"Come," I said, "lets go."
"Where are we going?" She asked as I pulled her up.
"Are you taking me to my brother? Is he save? Did he wake up?"
"He did."

"Do you know where we can find him?"
"I do, but we have to go now. We're already running late."

"No!" She screamed, tugging my arm. "We have to find him! He's still in the basement!"
"Sophie, please, that's not my task. I've only been send to take you home." She turned pale and swallowed a lump forming in her throught. 
"To Steven?" I shook no.
"That's not your home, sweetheart." She look at me for a moment.

"Is my brother there?"
"Not yet, but he will in a few days."

"But you have to get him now." She sobbed.
"I can't, love." Her tears mixed into the raindrops that launched themselfs onto her pale skin. 
"Your mother will be there." I said. She looked me straight in the eyes. I just nodded.
She tightend her grip around my hand and said.
"She told me to never walk of with strangers." I sighed, knowing what she was aiming for.

"I have many names," I said.
"But you can call me Death."

donderdag 6 februari 2014


Do you ever feel like the world is melting? 

I've always had this strange fasination with liquids. Especially those viscous ones. They make it seem like the world is slowing down, as they lazily flow back and forth. It calmed and anaesthetized me. It reminded me of drowning. Floating in fluid, hearing the subdued sounds coming from the surface softly in the background. 

"Do you want pancakes?" A voice said, sudden and clear. I looked up and found him leaning against the kitchen counter, munching on some cereal. I looked back at the bottle of syrup in my hands and shook no. He chuckled.
"Why is it then that you've been looking at it for like half an hour or so?" I shrugged, not really feeling like talking. He swallowed one last time and put down his bowl.
"Where do you want to go today?" I looked up at him, surprised.
"Yes, we are." He said. It was strange how he already could read my thoughts when they hadn't even formed a sentence in my mind yet. It was strange, but in a nice an relaxing way. It .meant that I wouldn't have to talk to say.
"We could go to the forest if you want. Or into town. Do you need anything?" I shook my head. The forest sounds nice though. It would probably look wonderful at this time of year.
"That's settled than." He said grinning.
"If we leave not to long from now we can have have a drink in one of the cafes if you want." I liked the idea, but I didn't want him spending any more money on me then he already was.
"And you can leave your wallet home, because I'm paying, whether you like it or not." He said giving me a 'stern' look before he disappeared around the corner. I sighed at looked back at the syrup. I was not as hypnothysing as before. It was now just an everyday bottle, filled with a extremely sweet substance. It funny how things seem to change in less than a second. But in fact, it was the same syrup as it was before. The only difference was the way in which I looked at it. I just had trouble figuring out which one was reality.

A chapter of a story I'm writing on. 

zaterdag 1 februari 2014

The strangers around me

I sat down beside her. She looked up from her worn off shoes and gave me a questioning look. I guess it said something between 'Hi' and 'Would you be so nice to fuck off'. When I didn't, she dropped her head and returned to the broken stiches that hold the leather around her foot together. She was not that old I guess, she was probably one of the youngest students. She looked even smaller than she already was, sitting next to that giant drawing-case. Small and hurt.
"What are you waiting for?" She looked up, obviously annoyed at my question.
"I don't know. You didn't seem to happy, so I thought I'd keep you company, maybe chat you up a little."
"You don't have to."
"So what is it that makes you so grumpy?" I said leaning back. She gave me a glare.
"People like you."
"So you don't like people who care about their fellow human being?" I chuckled. She just unknotted the wires of her earphones. Appearently she was planning on giving me the silence treatment.
"I don't like people who act like they have  good intentions, but actually just want to bring you down."
"So some one tries to bring you down." 
Just a few more knots to go.
"I just don't belong here." 
"Because I'm different." This actually made me laugh.
"Hun, you're at an art acedemie, you know that right? Every one is a weirdo here." 
"It just strange that all these individuals are doing to same and that thing is do what they are asked to do. To make art."
"So you're kind of our little rebel."
"That's the problem. I'm not.


"They're very fairytale-like." I said as I went through the pages of her sketchbook. She let out a frustrated sigh. 
"That's what my teacher said." 
"Is your teacher that much of an asshole?" She didn't reply, but just stared at the cars passing by. 
"No." I waited for her to continue.
"It's just that I don't belong here."
"Why wouldn't you?"
"Because I don't make art." 
"But do you know what art is?" I chuckled. She shrugged.
"At least it's not this."
"Why not? It looks nice, you really do have skills."
"That's the problem. It's just nice and it's just skills, but it's not art."
"How do you know that this is not art." She turned to me and just looked at me for a few seconds, before she anwsered.
"Because it's not what my teacher wants. She wants me to be raditional and work big and rough."
"That can be fun too. You're here to learn after all." 
"I know and I tried, but it just doesn't feel like me." She said softly as her eyes filled with tears.

"Maybe I'm just not an artist."

donderdag 26 december 2013

Christmas joy

Hi Happy People!

If you were expecting some creations, I'm sorry, but I didn't make anything yesterday, because I spend the whole day with my family. 

I did do my hair, but that didn't turn out that good and it's not really the kind of creations that I'm sharing on this blog. I also helped with the cooking by smashing pomegranate seeds out of the fruit, but I don't think that's creating either. It's more demolishing if you ask me, which is the opposite of it.
After I got home, I did do some writing, but it was alreasy 11 pm, so I didn't do that much on that either.

So I don't have any thing to show you and I didn't really make anything, but actually that's not the point. The goal of my Creation Invasion project thing, is that I spend my time wisely and don't end up doing nothing for 2 weeks and regretting it after. Spending your day with your family for Christmas is not wasting time to me, so I don't feel like I missed out on something because I didn't make anything.

Creating memories is also a kind of creating :)

Today, I do have the time to make something, so that should be fine. 
I'll see you again in a few hours!


dinsdag 24 december 2013

Cupcakes. And some Dean.

Hey Happy People!

Today I made things and that's why you are reading this so let's go and look at the stuff I made, shall we? We shall.

Dean Dobbs and not really anything else

Hey Happy People!

On the third day of creating, Chrizzl didn't really do that much, so there's not that much to show you, but let's get right to it!