woensdag 16 oktober 2013

How I draw: portrait shading

Hello Happy person!

I thought it would be nice to show you more than only the final result of a drawing. That’s why I made picture’s in between different stages of my drawing of Troye Sivan while I was finishing it (See previous blog post).

I have some drawing tips you can use that worked for me, so this is not really a ‘How to’, but more a ‘How I’ ;)

These are the contours I started with.

This is the first shading layer. I drew the shading layer with a HB-pencil. The layers tend to get coarse or too dark really quick when you use softer pencils.

Here are the first darker parts applied. It helps enormously if you make the darker parts seriously dark. That way your drawing will become more realistic. For this I use  a black pencil and 6B-pencils.

If you want to make your drawing look really realistic, you have to dare to show imperfections, like bags under the eyes or a spot on the skin or a big nose. You will see that when you don’t leave out those characteristic features, your drawing will eventually look more like the person you’re trying to draw. :)

At this point I thought that it looked more like Miley Cyrus, what do you think?

And that’s the final result! I‘m not totally satisfied with it, but if I have to wait for that, this little article will never be online :p
I hope you liked to see this and I hope to see you here again soon!


P.S. I also have Tumblr now. It will become more like my international page, that’s why it’s in English. If you have Tumblr too, you can follow me at:

zondag 13 oktober 2013

Tekentrucje en korte update

Hallo Blij persoon,

Zoals je gemerkt heb ben ik weer wat minder actief op mijn blog, wat puur is omdat ik niet genoeg tijd heb om naast al mijn school- en HKU-werk ook nog mijn blog elke keer bij te werken. Ik heb gisteren mijn eerste beoordeling gehad, waar ik heel graag van alles over wil vertellen, maar dat moet voorlopig nog even wachten. 

Om toch nog iets online te zetten, wou ik je gaan vertellen over een nieuwe techniek die ik nu gebruik om mensen na te tekenen. Deze tekening hoort in de serie van Youtubers ;) (Dit is Troye Sivan)
Alles wat je nodig hebt is internet verbinding, paint of een ander foto bewerkingsprogramma en natuurlijk je tekenspullen.