dinsdag 11 maart 2014


This is an assignment for my English class. We had to write a short story, staring with: '"Who are you?" She said."
The critics were that had to make up a background story and the girl and the teller had to get into a fight. Here's a slightly more elaborated version of what I came up with.

"Who are you?" She said, as the rain streamed down her face. She was younger than I expected, probably not older than ten. She looked like a drowned kitten, standing there in the rain. Her clotches were drenched and her fringe had grown into the fresh crust that went diagnaly across her forehead. The bags under her pale blue eyes were as dark as the sky above us. I was almost completely sure that this was the girl.
"I can't tell you.", I said, "If I do, you won't come with me." Her eyes grew big and hopeful. 
"Are you here to pick me up?" 
"I belief so.", I anwsered calmly, "But I can only be sure if you give me your name." Her hopeful expression dropped and she looked down at her bare feet as the rain washed of the scratches. 
"I cannot remember it." She said, just above whisper.
I sighed and looked at the poor thing in front of me. 
"I guess in that case, you'll have to tellme your story."

We sat down at the the porch she had been sleeping in. Its roof was old and molded. Every now and then you felt a droplet on your shoulder, seeping through one of the various leaks. She was drenched the bones, shivering, with her soft blond hair stuck to her purple lips. I took of my coat and lay it around her shoulders. Her eyes widened at the sight of my bony arms, but she didn't say a word. I could tell that she was raised with manners. 
"So tell me: what brought you here?" She thought for a moment, staring back into the pitch black darkness of her memories. 
"One day mommy didn't wake up." She said.
"Steven said she was like Sleeping Beauty. That she would wake up in a hunderd year, so I shouldn't be sad. But that wasn't true. 
He used to tell me fairytales, but now he was telling lies." She paused. 
"Lying is bad. That's what mommy told me." I gave her a sad smile.
"That's why I don't get why she was in love with Steven. Because he lied a lot."
"Maybe she liked fairytales." I segusted. She looked down and nodded. We both went silent for some time, looking at the pointy roofs of the city.
"He hit her." Her voice suddenly spoke.
"He had hit us too, me and my brother. Every time I was scared he wouldn't wake up and that he would leave me alone with Steven. 

Then one day there was a man at the door. I was woken up by the yelling. Me and my brother were in the basement. He was still asleep. Then there was a bright light and Steven came down the stairs. Then he picked me up and handed me to the man. I screamed and kicked, but he hit me on the head with something hard and I fell asleep again.
I thought I wouldn't wake up, but I did and when I did I was here and you were there." She fell silent. The pale blue colour of her eyes kept repeating the words she never said. 
I wish I hadn't woken up.

"You're the girl they've send me for." I said.
She looked at me, her empty eyes filled with hope. I got out my notebook and skimmed through the names. 
"Sophie Bennet" Those eyes started glimmering when she heared her name.
"He never called me that." She said, just above whisper.
I reached for her hand, which was just as chilled as mine.
"Come," I said, "lets go."
"Where are we going?" She asked as I pulled her up.
"Are you taking me to my brother? Is he save? Did he wake up?"
"He did."

"Do you know where we can find him?"
"I do, but we have to go now. We're already running late."

"No!" She screamed, tugging my arm. "We have to find him! He's still in the basement!"
"Sophie, please, that's not my task. I've only been send to take you home." She turned pale and swallowed a lump forming in her throught. 
"To Steven?" I shook no.
"That's not your home, sweetheart." She look at me for a moment.

"Is my brother there?"
"Not yet, but he will in a few days."

"But you have to get him now." She sobbed.
"I can't, love." Her tears mixed into the raindrops that launched themselfs onto her pale skin. 
"Your mother will be there." I said. She looked me straight in the eyes. I just nodded.
She tightend her grip around my hand and said.
"She told me to never walk of with strangers." I sighed, knowing what she was aiming for.

"I have many names," I said.
"But you can call me Death."