donderdag 26 december 2013

Christmas joy

Hi Happy People!

If you were expecting some creations, I'm sorry, but I didn't make anything yesterday, because I spend the whole day with my family. 

I did do my hair, but that didn't turn out that good and it's not really the kind of creations that I'm sharing on this blog. I also helped with the cooking by smashing pomegranate seeds out of the fruit, but I don't think that's creating either. It's more demolishing if you ask me, which is the opposite of it.
After I got home, I did do some writing, but it was alreasy 11 pm, so I didn't do that much on that either.

So I don't have any thing to show you and I didn't really make anything, but actually that's not the point. The goal of my Creation Invasion project thing, is that I spend my time wisely and don't end up doing nothing for 2 weeks and regretting it after. Spending your day with your family for Christmas is not wasting time to me, so I don't feel like I missed out on something because I didn't make anything.

Creating memories is also a kind of creating :)

Today, I do have the time to make something, so that should be fine. 
I'll see you again in a few hours!


dinsdag 24 december 2013

Cupcakes. And some Dean.

Hey Happy People!

Today I made things and that's why you are reading this so let's go and look at the stuff I made, shall we? We shall.

Dean Dobbs and not really anything else

Hey Happy People!

On the third day of creating, Chrizzl didn't really do that much, so there's not that much to show you, but let's get right to it!

maandag 23 december 2013

Colour Bandits and a sick movie poster

Hey Happy People!

I already wrote this post, but my phone didn't save it. So... Thanks a bunch, phone. Being very helpfull again. 

I made a nee header, what cha think :3
I like it. Okay, let's get right to it!

I finished the Colour Bandits thingy. Here it is comparer to my work of saturday. Okay, nice, next thing.

I started on this sketch of the Fault in Our Stars movie poster. It was released a few days ago and I really liked the picture, so why not try to recreate it and may be I'll put it on my wall if I like it.
I didn't do more than this sketchy thing, because I had to stop for diner and after that I felt like doing something else. 

And that else was starting on a stoey that has been playing in my head for sometime now that I wanted to write down and work out. I'm not going to share it on my blog, just because I want to keep it to myself. If I share sometjing on my blog, it means I made a thing which I want to show my friends and family and sometime I you make stuff for myself and don't need any response to it from a audience.

So that's why. But I did write something, so I felt like I should put it on the list of things I made on day 2

And that's it for... yesterday. I'll see you soon I guess, byyyeeee.


zondag 22 december 2013

I painted something

Hello Happy People of the World!

At some piont I noticed that I have too many idea's of stuff I want to make and too little time. 
Right now, I'm having a christmas break from both school and art school, so you could say I'm free to make what ever I want! 
But I know that I mostly just end up spending my holidays not really doing anything. I'll enjoy myself, but in the end I'll regret that I didn't spend my time more wisely.

So that's why I challeged myself to create something every day during my break. And untill I come up with a better name, It'll be called Creation Invasion, because of a lot of creations. Original, I know. These are the rules I set up for myself:

zaterdag 14 december 2013

My second art school rating...

Hey Happy People!

So as some of you may know, I got my second rating today, which also means I finish the 2D courses. 

donderdag 12 december 2013

The Tiny Memory Book

Hi Happy People!

Today I got a bounch of cute notebooks and a correction marker and I decided to combine them into a notebook of cute white doodlyness. Enjoy.

woensdag 11 december 2013

Some thoughts on art acedemie

So hey there Happy People,

If you are here to see some creations, I have to disappoint you. Today I just wanted to talk and let my thoughts out for a bit, because I've been thinking a lot lately and why not write it down and may be share it with you.

I've been thinking about this pre-schooling I'm doing. The thing is, I would like to tell all of you that it's going really well and my teacher are really proud of my work, but that's not the truth. 
It's not as dramatic as it may sound though. It's just that what I make doesn't seem to speak to them. And when I get feedback on my work I often don't understand what I exactly did wrong or I just disagree with their criticism (in silence though). I don't think I said this on my blog before but I got T-V for my first rating. It means just below adequate and it sucks to get told you work is not good enough at your first rating.
So I decided to work harder for the second period. I spend more time on my homework and I have to say I worked really hard for last weeks project. I was trying for at least a V-G (between adequate and good). My fellow students were quite impressed by my work. The teacher wasn't though. She didn't say a nice thing about it, she didn't acknowledge  any of the things I had hidden in my drawings. I just didn't seem fair. I worked on it for at least nine hours that week. I cried after I got home...

Basicly she told me I don't have enough segustion in my drawings. I have to say everything is quite clear and she is probably right, but I get a feeling that maybe I don't belong in art school. I want to tell stories with my work and I don't want to be just artistic. 

I'm having my second rating this saturday and I'm really nervous. I want to do well so badly. I just want to show what I'm capable of, but maybe it's just not what they're looking for.

I know that people always tell you to follow your dreams and never give up, but I'm just not sure right now. Maybe this just isn't the right place for me. I mean I'm 16 and those people have a degree and stuff. Who am I to tell them they're wrong.
I will always keep drawing, it's not like I won't enjoy that any more when some artyfarties tell me my work isn't good enough. It just means I should look for something else to study. Which is fine. I just don't know what yet. 

Now that I broke the ice on this topic I'm not afraid to tell you the outcome of my rating. I'll update you than. For now I am just going to try my best at the latest assignment of this period. I still want that V-G :)

Do you have any experience with situations or feelings like this? Let me know in the comments or on social media.


maandag 9 december 2013

HKU open dag

Hello Happy People of the World!

Last saturday I went to the open house in the HKU, the school were I do the pre-schooling. I looked around for a bit and bumped into some cool creations which I would like to share with you today :)

I just wanted to make clear that I made none of the following creations. All the credit goes to the creators, I am not trying to take credit for their work. 


zondag 8 december 2013

What is art?

Hey there Happy People!

I think most of you know this drawing. Some of you might have found my blog because of it. And I wanted to talk about it a little more because it brought up some thoughts by me.